Hoath Primary School
Small School, Big Community, Unlimited Potential
Hoath Primary School is located in the village of Hoath, about five miles from Canterbury. The present building was built in 1928.
It is a recognised small school, comprising of one original classroom and a large hall and three purpose-built new classrooms. There is also a library, play and art areas, resource area, servery kitchen, reception area and office. The school has also set up its own Forest School area as well as using local woodland to provide all year forest school opportunities for its pupils.
The school is sited in spacious grounds with playgrounds, playing field, an outdoor classroom, environmental area and straw bale house, meadow area and attractive gardens.
There are four classes, EYFS, Years 1+2, Years3+4 and Years 5+6. The official admission number for each year group is 15, with a maximum number of children on roll at 105. Hoath Primary is federated with Chislet CE Primary. This means that one Executive Headteacher, Head of Schools and one governing body manage both schools. There is a Deputy Headteacher at each school. The schools retain their own ethos and identity but also benefit from regular collaborative events.
If you are considering choosing Hoath Primary School for your child please come and visit us – we would be delighted to show you around, tell you about our school and answer any questions you may have.
Although Hoath School is small, we have an active PTA and we greatly appreciate the fantastic support we receive from the village at all of our events.