Imogen Morizet
Member Responsibilities include:
Planning and the Neighbourhood Plan
Email: imogen.morizet@hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Website: www.hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Disclosable interests: Click to view (opens a new window)

Karen Johncock
Member Responsibilities include:
Highways including the Highways Improvement Plan (HIP), and Speedwatch.
Email: karen.johncock@hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Website: www.hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Disclosable interests: Click to view (opens a new window)

Adele Wright
Member Responsibilities include:
Village Green and Open Spaces
Email: adele.wright@hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Website: www.hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Disclosable interests: Click to view (opens a new window)

William Hawkins
Member Responsibilities include:
Finance and Budgeting
Email: william.hawkins@hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Website: www.hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Disclosable interests: Click to view (opens a new window)

Caroline Read
The Parish Clerk is a part-time position of 7 hours per week, therefore, please note that their email account is not monitored on a daily basis. Email responses will be provided at the earliest opportunity. Hoath Parish Council thank you for your patience.
Email: clerk@hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk
Website: www.hoathparishcouncil.gov.uk